
★Lesson 7 Names and Addresses ★

1)Aer feelings emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy, sad, etc..?

I think most American people are emotionally expressive more than Japanese people.

2) Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese. ( 10 minimum) Now write the English translation.

○楽しい   amusing, enjoyable, pleasant
○嬉しい   happy, pleased, gleeful
○痛い    croosh, gammy, painful, sore
○寂しい   lonely, sad
○恋しい   miss
○幸せ    happy
○恥ずかしい    ashamed, embarrassed, moded
○うんざりする   boring
○驚く    surprised, wonder
○ショック   shocked
○困る    confusion
○疑わしい  disputable, doubtful, dubitable
○好き   love, like
○むかつく  aggravating, aggravating
○面倒くさい  messy

3)Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?

I think there are the way the wording goes of difference, every person's emotion is same.

★Welcome Colgate University Students★

I met Colgate University Students. His name is Christopher.
I talked to him. First, we introduce to ourselves.We asked himself.

○How old are you?
I am nineteen years old.

○Do you have a part-time job?
Yes. I work at the bank.

○How much do you earn?
10 dollars.

We surprised! It's very high!!

○What is most important culture in America?
Christmas. But, everything important.

It's been fun taking to him, but I can not speak English well.So I am willing to study hard.We exchanged e-mail address. I was glad to meet him

☆Class #4 World Religions☆

○How do you greet people in your life?
I say ''Ohayo.'' or ''Konnichiwa.'' , and I sometimes bow to people.

○Is it different for different people? How so and why?
Yes. I think there is difference in value between Japanese custom and another countries custom.

○Do you touch people when you talk to them?Why? Or Why not?
I sometimes touch people, but I only touch familiar person.
Because, It's not the custom to hug or kiss in Japan.